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by Ethan M. Aldridge
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Results Estranged
Estranged Definition of Estranged by MerriamWebster Estranged definition is having lost former closeness and affection in a state of alienation from a previous close or familial relationship How to use estranged in a sentence Estranged definition of estranged by The Free Dictionary es·trange ĭstrānj′ es·tranged es·trang·ing es·trang·es 1 To make hostile unsympathetic or indifferent alienate The months of bickering estranged her from her family 2 To remove from an accustomed place or set of associations art that is estranged from its historical context Middle English estraungen from Old French Estranged Definition of Estranged at Estranged definition displaying or evincing a feeling of alienation alienated See more estranged Dictionary Definition The adjective estranged suggests a loss of affection a turning away from someone When a couple separates we often refer to them as estranged — or no longer together ESTRANGED meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary estranged definition 1 an estranged husband or wife is not now living with the person they are married to 2 If you are estranged from your family or friends you have had a serious argument with them and are no longer friendly with them 3 a period when you are estranged from someone or the… Learn more Estranged 2015 IMDb Directed by Adam Levins With Craig Conway James Cosmo Bob Duff James Lance A woman returns home to her estranged family after a nearfatal accident but begins to suspect something is not right Estranged Synonyms Estranged Antonyms Synonyms for estranged at with free online thesaurus antonyms and definitions Find descriptive alternatives for estranged Estranged legal definition of estranged Legal Dictionary estranged See hostile inimical irreconcilable solitary